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Writer's picture: Daniel MartyDaniel Marty

Updated: Jun 12, 2024

Tree message: Tree of life

Vice: Instability

Virtue:  Steadfestness

Relationship conflict:  Blame (Read below)

Conflict Solution:  Constructive self-criticsm

Homeopathic Support: Artemisia vulgaris

Inspirational figure: Paracelsus

Brain area: Midbrain,

Brain Modulation Story: Study the stones of the earth

Organ: Skin organ system

Chemical Element: Vanadium

Development phase: Year 23 (Read below)

In the shadow:

Faces an extensive seemingly insurmountable obstacle / Overwhelmed by fears / The maturation process stops because of resistance and memories of failure

In the light:

Is able to take on the challenge / Self-confidence grows by overcoming one obstacle at a time.

Keyword / Overcoming:

When we focus on our goals, we can overcome any obstacle / Thus, we lay the foundation for a new path in our lives.


Remaining steadfast in the center acts as a shield in human existence on the battlefield of the world. A person carries it in their core, where it operates, yet remains invisible. Between the physical and spiritual dimensions, one great root unites everything, firmly and inextricably anchored. Steadfastness itself does not need anything outside itself.


The growth holds a treasure within. Hidden from the world's eyes lies the plan that calls the individual to fulfillment. Reason must heed its gentle urging and stay committed to the goal. It acts as a guiding star, standing untouched and above the inconsistency of ever-changing emotions in worldly life.

23rd Year of Life (265th-276th Month): Generational Rejuvenation Phase

Adulthood means connecting to one's roots, remembering the familial foundation from which one has slowly detached to create a unique, personal, and creative individual life. The birth of one's way of becoming knowledgeable occurs now. Old relationship patterns may dissolve, and new relationships form new patterns. The strength of the family tree extends across generations, and overcoming ignorance establishes power for future generations.

BLAME (Conflict that shows in our relationships)

Time and again, events occur that are deplorable for we humans, and, as the complaint arose from pain, we try to let go of the pain as soon as possible when it arises within us. We try to free ourselves from it.

Pain and lamentations always bring us into a state of despondency and, under these oppressive emotions, we cannot grow further. We do not move forward anymore. Standing still means going backwards. This will increase the pain even further, and, of course, also the moaning and complaining. Because we are human beings with a differentiated language, who are able to express with words the thoughts that have formed within us, we can also try to express what it is that so terribly torments us, and which was caused by a negative event.

While the flow of words finds an expression, it very quickly indicates who or what is guilty of provoking this uneasy condition. As a result of this explanation, we have the feeling that things are getting better for us. The human being always wants to clarify everything regarding things and circumstances through consciousness. When he finds the ostensible cause of a certain situation, he can then give an explanation to both himself and others, and this reassures him tremendously. As soon as the human being has found someone to blame, someone who has apparently caused the circumstances, he will fix this recognition inwardly and he will hold on to it, even if it is not the truth. Because, for the one in pain, it offers the possibility to understand, even when this understanding has incorrect roots, having arisen from a limited view, and can therefore not correspond to the truth.

Guilt is characterised by strongly holding on to a feeling of oneself as a bad person, with many faults. The human being, in fact, often has the desire to punish himself for his faults, without, however, making any effort to change anything. Instead of specific plans for improvements and a change for the better, there is just punishment. Feelings of guilt make no sense, however, because they block our strength and our ability to think, and they are of no use for our spiritual development. Because as long as one feels guilty, one will not do anything to remove the cause of the situation.

When the human being expresses himself through recriminations, these characterise a strong holding on to a feeling of himself as a person with many faults. Often, however, this is suppressed, and may suddenly be mirrored or projected onto another person through a devastating event that affects the lives of the persons in question. We often have the wish to punish ourselves for something that was not right. Arguments start, and injuries and separations result. But, in truth, there is no such thing as punishment. There is only the iron law of cause and effect. But then who, the pensive person asks himself, is able to understand this in all its depth?

If we never take the trouble to find out the truth about this, we will remain imprisoned in this entrapment, whose effects have been working in our hearts like an evil poison since primeval times. To remain in uncertainty concerning the truth, and to just pass the time, will cause us deep pain as a result of the stagnation in our situation. Complaining is only the ever changing expression of the same thing. Guilt receives a varied and continuously changing face.

This expression full of tribulations arises from the recriminations that we impose on ourselves through hard, angry, often also poisonous thoughts, words and deeds. When we see ourselves, or others, as being guilty, it is as if we are radiating a poisonous mist. It obscures any possibility of a clear vision about the deeper background of the circumstances in life, and takes away the air we breathe. The true insights about the connections in life drown in a swamp of miserable feelings. The human being crucifies himself because of ignorance and suffers terrible agony.

Crucifixions are always deplorable. When will the time come when we are capable of understanding this? Nobody gains anything from mercilessly nailing other people to the wood. When will we learn to see the tree of life in the other as being his/her own the goal, our common goal and the goal that links us all? Let us be aware: through recriminations, we may possibly fell the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil in the other person. The tree of knowledge in our life on earth then falls, because we leave the path in order to put our efforts into progressing its resurrection in our inner being.

By forgiving, on the other hand, we offer the lower urges in us, which are like lowly snakes, the strength to not only crawl along at the bottom of things, but to rise up towards the crown of universal insight, which is unveiled.

Should we nevertheless experience a crucifixion within us, we should recognise that a shell has broken, as with a seed. And, if we walk bravely through the suffering without referring to guilt, the resurrection of the spirit will soon be able to take place within us.

From a higher vantage point, the human being will realise that, whatever may happen, it will be of great benefit to us. But we must be brave.At some stage in the spiritual development process, impartiality must be learned. If the human being consciously says yes to this education, without any doubt, the spirit of the human being will be able to progress into new dimensions. He then no longer turns away, or turns completely back from a great obstacle. Because of the generosity that grows within him, he conquers himself and obtains the ability to be continuously in touch with the Great Spirit, even in difficult times.

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