Tree message: Gingko tree
Vice: Excess
Virtue: Modesty
Relationship conflict: Self-opinionated (Read below)
Conflict Solution: Generosity
Homeopathic Support: Strontium carbonicum
Inspirational figure: Lucius Annaeus Seneca
Brain area: Velum medullare anterius
Brain Modulation Story: The golden chalice in the hand of the Creator
Organ: Arterial System
Chemical Element: Potassium
Development phase: Year 19 (Read below)
In the shadow:
Likes to control worldly events / Feels driven always to be doing things / Feels adrift back and forth like a leaf in the wind / Feels at the mercy of external forces / Doesn't learn from experiences
In the light:
Allows things to unfold and practice letting go / learns despite challenging circumstances / becomes a keen observer and knows to look beyond the surface of things
Keyword / Observation:
Through observation, you can build a bridge and distinguish reality from truth.
Observing without judging is a skill we must learn. Observation requires focus and attention to what we observe. We can observe things, situations, feelings, or thoughts. If we learn to observe, we gain a deep understanding of a situation and can distinguish truth from misconceptions in our lives.
The act of constantly doing things without the balance of resting is stressful. Yet, our culture favors the go-getters and doers. We fear silence. Even if we allow ourselves to pause for a moment, few of us are touched by a sense of calm and peace. What we are dealing with here is a constant urge to rush through life. That rush prevents us from learning the meaning behind events. Since everything, including us, is constantly changing, we miss the opportunity to understand ourselves and the events we're experiencing.
19th Year (Months 217-228) Threshold Phase: This is a threshold to the personality. You are now a young adult. As an individual, you are now taking on responsibility for yourself. You are taking responsibility for your actions and are considered mature. Taking on responsibility, you stand up straighter. You become independent and listen to your feelings or inner voice. You learn what it means to be accepted and what traits make you attractive to others. Whether or not you become more independent or positively use attraction depends entirely on you. Orientation is crucial now. Modesty and excess are the two extremes that you'll learn to balance. Gauging one's measure and possibilities is also essential. Good advisors can provide valuable assistance in developing self-assurance.
SELF-OPINIONATED (Conflict that shows in our relationships)
If we have made an experience in a certain area and this experience has been strengthened in the course of life, then it may have become so stable and irrevocable that we may often take it for an indisputable truth. We firmly believe in it, as it is built on the foundations of our recognition processes. If our character is strong and our opinion of ourselves quite respectable, we may have a tendency to make it into a doctrine. We make it into a dogma. But the time will perhaps come when we will realise that the point of view we are holding can never be the same as that which another person could adopt. Because we not only passed through a different point in time when we gained a particular experience, but we also had a different position and looked at the matter from a different perspective. For these reasons, they appeared to us in a different light. And it can therefore never be the same thing that we experienced. It will never be identical to the experience of another person.
Here lies a great difficulty in the interpersonal area, because we always like others to make the same experiences as ourselves. With this feeling of absolute togetherness, or so we believe, we can take the other into our heart. But, precisely because the other thinks, sees and feels differently, we have to cross a bridge in order to be able to understand one another from heart to heart. We will learn to touch the heart of the other with love, despite the differences life has created.
When the hearts join together, our ego and the experiences that we have made through our personality take second place, and our ego is silent. Our being does not insist on its rights, it does not wish to cultivate dogmas, but it loves inspiration.
Our inner being also has no fear of losing a fixed point of view, because it does not depend on spaces or a particular moment that may perhaps, at some time, have created an experience.
The friendliness of allowing the other his or her points of view, of leaving his or her experiences untouched by constraints, and of not forcing other person into a learning process that the he or she may perhaps not want to go through, requires a lightness of being and a deep understanding for contexts. It appears that the greatness of an experienced human being is always tested once again when he is aware that he knows a great deal, and nevertheless does not really know. He should then be able to prove to himself that, although he knows, he will never be able to know the complete truth about hidden things and situations down to their very source. Because as long as he is bound within the world of polarity, he lives in appearances and illustrations, which are perhaps no more than symbols of the mind. Having been required to be modest In this way, he will learn the strength of humility, and he will leave the place from which he received his possibility to make valuable experience about earthly laws.
He will rise into higher dimensions of knowledge, but will first lose the comparison, and, because he remains brave, he will not fear the loss of the power to convince. He only purifies it in a powerful inner fire of recognition. „To be in the light of Truth“, slowly becomes a reality in the worldly being, and he will understand this concept of the great wise ones. And, with them he will learn to be in a silent dialogue, beyond space and time, in the Heart of Eternity.