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Writer's picture: Daniel MartyDaniel Marty

Updated: Jun 12, 2024

Tree message: Maple tree

Vice: Criticism

Virtue:  Aversion to making others wrong

Relationship conflict:  Nagging (Read below)

Conflict Solution:  Courage to change

Homeopathic Support: Calcium carbonicum

Inspirational figure: Galileo Galilei

Brain area: Prefrontal cortex

Brain Modulation Story: Limitless in space and time

Organ: Sense of smell / Sense of touch

Chemical Element: Phosphorus

Development phase: Year 15 (Read below)

In the shadow:

Reality pride commits itself to the earthly aspects of its being / We forget our core and disconnect from our spiritual nature / Lack of trust in the inner spiritual light.

In the light:

Recognizes his origins within himself and thereby also rediscovers his very own goals / Remembers his spiritual nature again / You can reconnect with your life purpose

Keyword / Task:

If a person lives according to his mission, he also firmly connects his inner eye with his vision.


Intelligence should serve as a tool, and like an instrument, it lies in humans' hands. The rational mind is now rooted in its spiritual core. This, in return, enables people to gain a profound understanding of the greater whole and their purpose in life.


Through their experiences, a person believes they understand how the world operates. However, we cannot see the big picture from our limited perspective. Only those who can rise above the bare facts—as if carried by wings—and patiently wait until their vision clears will realize that the world is a mirror. Through stillness, the mirror reflects what is true and what is a mirage. By analyzing situations or conditions, the mystery of life remains a mystery. The whole recognizes itself in its entirety as it provides a complete picture. This picture speaks to the person when they achieve clarity.

15th Year - (169th-180th Month) Mental Core Maturation Phase

As the personality emerges and grows, it seeks to utilize the ascending forces productively and meaningfully. It is an intrinsic need of the personality. It requires the experience of adults who guide the adolescent by asking the right questions. The adolescents don't want suggestions but want to experience themselves by learning to express themselves. Through expression, they grasp themselves. They listen to themselves. The adolescent may respond passively, openly allergic, or even highly aggressive when given advice. Criticism and confrontations from guardians often don't help in this phase. They cause friction and prevent a young adult from focusing on their inherent tasks and using their energy constructively. Are we aware that we frequently disturb others with our own needs, ideas, and opinions? Nagging is also very disruptive in the personality process of a 15-year-old. Particularly when they are intellectually developing mentally, since they are still in the developmental stages in this area, encouragement is needed rather than sharp criticism or restrained nagging. A strong male guiding figure (father/teacher/trainer) is crucial here to support the development into adulthood.

NAGGING (Conflict that shows in our relationships) Dissatisfaction is a mood that we generate ourselves, and which then spreads out from our inner dimension into the outer world. As with everything that is born in our inner being, that which is hidden also strive to manifest itself in the outer sphere of life. Powerful forces will show themselves distinctively, while lesser forces that are of a weaker nature will also be less clearly manifested in the outer sphere. In this way, these weaker forces have a correspondingly difficult time in setting a clear example.

An inhibited, unfriendly expression within the human being manifests itself in grumbling. There are many different aspects of our lives we do not like. But it would appear as though we did not have the strength to change them through our own efforts. We blame circumstances and our fellow human beings, who perhaps created these circumstances, and do not learn to understand, that all injustice and the flaws of life that make us so dissatisfied are calling on us to bring about a change. And it is this change that will create happier circumstances.

Often, it is the old habits in our life that are the cause of our being so dissatisfied and contentious. Because innovation stimulates us, and this, in turn, produces constructive, invigorating tendencies. When we have put something new into the world, we will, for a short time, feel free from the past. But we may perhaps soon notice that the innovation that we have created does not always seem to be of service to the community, and can often cause a confrontation with another person.

Confrontation has two faces. One smiles at the other. It enjoys developing unerring strategies. Its own plans are coordinated with those of the other, so that both, bound in life through the art of community, will gain profit on their way.

The other face is contorted and disgruntled by differences of opinion. Soon, the uneasy sound of grumbling spreads. Sincerity is a medicine that never fails to work on the human consciousness. It is also this strength that will bring us to overcome the weakness of not finding the right expression for our moods and emotions.

If we are a prisoner of dissatisfaction, we will also always be weakened in our powers of expression. No clarifying message arises within us that could change the circumstances. The person who is able to express himself clearly and plainly has, in his past, learned that only personal strength, through the use of courage and drive, can change the circumstances of difficult situations.

When rejuvenation takes place, or something new appears in our life, this must also be pleasing to our nearest and dearest. Because, if this is not the case, dissatisfaction will enter into this life.

If a person has the strength to live his vision in the light of a healthy nature, he must also follow the path he pursued in the past. Explaining to others the meaning of his rejuvenation, his new start and his awakening as being a necessity could also mean progress for the community. Patience is important, and consideration is necessary. Risking the effort to gently suggest something to the other person raises the common mood in life. Nobody likes to feel bulldozed or abandoned, particular when the awakening of the other calls for a change. Because the Spirit of Progress also wishes to experience an awakening through we humans.

Clear language and a clear expression, and also an affectionate word, have the power to change bad moods. The consequences of these negative feelings, which are often expressed in one’s life together as hair-splitting grumbling, can also change.

Perhaps we should once ask ourselves what would happen among we human beings if we were to give our full attention to the way in which we express ourselves and to our language. The world in which we live would become changed in an unusual way, in its expression, renewed and wonderfully beautiful. We would clearly see how the mood among us would be raised higher and higher. The prospect of a common future would also become different. Simply because human hearts would become light and uplifted through being conscious, instead of being heavy as a result of dissatisfaction over a thousand or more reasons. They would rise far above the heaviness of human life.

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