Tree message: Willow tree
Vice: Entanglement
Virtue: Renunciation
Relationship conflict: Lack of recognition (Read below)
Conflict Solution: Independence
Homeopathic Support: Calcium phosphorus
Inspirational figure: Johann Sebastian Bach
Brain area: Tegmentum essencephali
Brain Modulation Story: The task of time
Organ: Uterus / Ovaries
Chemical Element: Aluminum
Development phase: Year 13 (Read below)
In the shadow:
One gets lost in the earthly plane / Emotions are suppressed and thus blocked / The heart hardens through the experience of suffering / An uprooted life causes grief.
In the light:
Transforms lack of trust into spiritual strength and confidence / By expressing your feelings, bridges are built between people / Opens up to the spiritual dimensions in his/her life.
Keyword / Transformation:
The transformation of the Ego towards the Self takes place by walking through the fire of life. That fire burns through our material shell and transforms men and women.
Letting habits die through conscious sacrifice for a better future
Habits develop mechanisms that require energy to function. This energy might soon be lacking for new developmental opportunities. Habit restricts one's view of the future, and a vision may be suppressed or even entirely forgotten.
13th Year - (145th to 156th Month) Projection Phase
Transformation processes are also dying processes. The child dies, and the adolescent is born. It does not happen simultaneously but sequentially, bringing irritations with it. While the child may still outwardly appear to be a child, they might already be an adolescent internally, or vice versa. The child and the guardians alternate between phases of orientation and disorientation. Dying processes are painful processes in which the Self fundamentally must transform. As the self changes, the identity can express itself despite limitations in circumstances. Then, the Self again overshadows it. The child must practice self-determination; the better this practice goes, the more self-determination they achieve. Parents must practice trusting in their children's future. The child ultimately separates from the mother and the mother weeps. This year brings many emotions. Everyone is allowed to cry and mourn because the child is dying and already dreaming of the birth of the adolescent who wants to be born.
LACK OF RECOGNITION (Conflict that shows in our relationships) The human being carries a cross within him. A horizontal and a vertical plane join within him, one dimension leading the strength outwards, and the other one leading it into the inner realm. And, in the centre, there lies the human being’s heart, where his ability to love is also at home. The old writings tell of the two fundamental principles of the universe, which also unfold power and strength within the human being: the one represents the eternal-male (Sanskrit: Agni or the fire). It is the creative reason, pure Spirit.
The other one reveals the eternal- female (Soma or the drink of the gods), the Soul of the world or the ethereal substance. It is the matrix of all visible and, for worldly eyes, invisible worlds; it is also the diversity of nature. The perfect union of these two powers creates the Supreme Being, in the human nature also.
As the human being also develops habits from experiences, as well as preferences and dislikes, an imbalance between the two forces of his universal nature often arises. Both conditions (in Chinese: Yin and Yang) cannot find to one another and are also not able to reconcile. The imbalance that arises instead allows tensions to grow, which, in turn, develop uneasy feelings in people, which are often repressed and are not infrequently projected onto other people.
There is only a definite period of time available to all living beings to learn their lessons. If the human being lives within his habits, time will slip away and will not really be used in a better sense. The life task that he has received will be repressed, or even forgotten. But the profound dissatisfaction that then arises in the inner being of the person will not simply disappear into the background; it will be projected onto another person, perhaps the partner.
If a person is oppressed by negative feelings, it is easier for the psyche to handle those feelings from a certain distance by mirroring them to the outside. The one possibility of dissociating oneself from uneasy feelings is to believe they are not one’s own feelings, and are therefore non-existent. Denial is always particularly easy when the pictures from which certain feelings originate appear to be different from the picture one has made of oneself. In this manner, the human being learns to dissociate, and the ego creates room for itself.
Negative feelings, ideas or impulses are denied and their access to the consciousness is blocked. The person then pushes these feelings outwards, onto the partner or some other person who happens to be available to him for this repression.
If the partner himself does not always have control over his life, and he is not fully aware of his development potential, he will abandon himself to these projections, as if he himself were a mirror in the other person’s room. In this way, not only does one person have unpleasant experiences, but the other will also be forced to be a part of this game. Because who likes playing alone? Nevertheless, the one who is apparently forced to take part can withdraw from the game by fully concentrating on his own work, on the things that he himself should unfold on behalf of a larger Authority. It is not possible to fend off the projections of the other person as long as the human being lives predominantly within his heart. It is only possible to free oneself from the dark interactions with the other person by concentrating on oneself.
Very often, we human beings are dependent on others as a result of fateful bonds. Depending on how our work progresses, we seem to need appreciation as a response to the work we have done. We also need the motivation and attention, through the praise of our partner, in order to be able to assess our own work. In the same way as a child needs the attention of its mother or father, we believe we need to be enhanced by words of encouragement. We are under the impression that we still need this, long after we have grown up. We appear to have missed the moment when it would have been appropriate to reflect upon ourselves.
At some point in our development, there must have been a moment at which we should have understood that we ourselves are our own advocates. Only this inner advocate is able to provide us with the appropriate recognition as the nourishment of our self-confidence, with the help of our conscience. We feel it would have been a denial to renounce the outward recognition from our loved ones or teachers. But perhaps we have not had enough experience of how good it is to be simply enveloped by loving observation during our childhood. Perhaps the struggle for existence held the priority in our parental home.
But, whatever we may have been missing, we have nevertheless grown up, and we now have the duty to reflect. The good feeling of being recognised arises from our own life fire. From this source in our centre, it nourishes us, and also other beings.
At some point, every human being must learn to be inspired and warmed by the force of the inner fire, and, as a result, to become loving, as well as independent of others.
By looking at the world in a quiet and observant manner, the human being will then also learn that there are personalities that cultivate different attributes. Some people are of a generous nature and bestow many blessings by their ability to offer praise and recognition to others. Others have the tendency to be rather critical and restrained with their support for others. Who knows why a particular person usually acts in this or in that manner. But everything always has a profound meaning in the structure of universal life. This has to do with reconciliation. If our person suffers from a lack of support, however, and if there is a lack of praise, recognition and words of encouragement, then it is probably high time for us to start living independently from these outer strengths from now on.
Renouncing and consciously becoming more moderate in our demands may perhaps give rise to an inner strength that has the ability to open a door to a new room within our hearts. In its centre, we then learn that we ourselves are always under the eyes of a great Wise Man. We have never been outside of his glance, have had to live with shortages or have truly suffered renunciation. This only seemed to be the case for many of us on an external level. Because, in the external life, it has always been difficult for people to find the right measure. To praise our fellow people appropriately, or to be generous with our support, is a special centre point in us that is not easy to find, nor is it easy to remain there. Because the good experiences, the good habits, the dissolution of the negative things in life and the kind- heartedness resulting from this protect the bearer of the cross.