everyday inspired living

Holistic Success Coaching with Daniel
Relationships | Career | Health | Finances
I'd love to coach you.
Are you struggling to make any real progress in your life
I feel your pain. Despite doing my best to improve my relationships, career, business, health, or money issues, I often felt trapped in a cycle of repeating the same old story over and over again.
But I also know what it takes to turn things around.
How to change into a more soulful, mission-driven career
How to rekindle a relationship at the brink of separation.
How to turn ideas into a profitable business
How to address and resolve the root cause of problems
Hi, I am Daniel Marty, and I am looking for five individuals who want to break the cycle of dissatisfaction in their relationships, careers, health, or financial situation.
Here's my crazy January offer. I'll coach you for an entire month one-on-one and in a small group setting. We will be on the phone or Zoom as much as we need to work on your foundation to create long-term success in your life's 'Big Four' areas.
I'll charge you only one hour of my time. The rest of my time is my gift to you as long as you:
a) show up on time for our Zoom or phone meetings, and
b) follow through with your assigned small, disciplined actions.
(In other words, you'll pay $250 instead of $1500 for this offer!)
Are you in? I look forward to working with you!
Daniel Marty | Holistic Success Coaching
HCS Life Coach | Business owner | VRBO Superhost | BA Education | Craftsman
Are you ready to do things differently in 2025? I help people like you go from living on autopilot to being fully empowered in all areas of life
with Daniel Marty
HCS Life Coach | Business owner | VRBO Superhost | BA Education | Craftsman
What you'll get:
Step 1
Take a look at your Life Story
Step 2
Write down the values that matter most to you (and why they matter)
Step 3
Start the process of evolving into an Inside-Out mindset
from what's wrong to what's right
from fixing the world to seeing the world differently (mirror/inside-out perspective)
from victim/blame to full responsibility
from negative outcomes to intentional value-driven positive creator
from being on a rollercoaster ride with your mind/emotions to understand and control them
from unconscious to intentional creator
from not knowing your values to clearly knowing them and why
from not having a plan to having a written down and evolving Big Four Life Success Blueprint
from overplanning to short planning and quick testing
from all by myself to being part of a team/family with a vision
from mood-based, irregular actions to regular, daily, disciplined, value-based actions
from short-term gratification/feel-good pleasure hunter to delayed gratification and long-term vision-based results
from how can I get more money to how can I create more value for others
from linear end goal-focused to lifelong circular, transformation and flow process (caterpillar/butterfly metaphor)
from a dividing polarity experience to a unifying, innovative polarity experience
from certain things/experiences have no value to every experience in my life has tremendous value
from go, go, go all the time to stillness-action-stillness-action
from passing on trauma to healing
from healing to vision
from vision to mission
from owning to stewardship
from scarcity to abundance
Step 4
Brainstorm your Inside-Out Value Creation possibilities.
Step 5
Draw up your authentic, imperfect Inside-Out Value Creation Plan
Step 6
Test your imperfect plan immediately in the world to get
feedback if there's a demand for your value proposition
Step 7
Practice daily to improve your mindset, character, and skills to
better execute your Big Four Vision
Step 8
Evolve your plan constantly to enhance your value in the world
Step 9
Repeat all steps at least yearly and get your family engaged in
your Inside-Out Value Creation journey
Step 10
Create an inner circle/community/network of friends and
family who want to cultivate an Inside-Out Success Mindset
Step 11
Celebrate and share your achievements, wins, losses
and lessons learned with the people you love and support you
DATE: January 25 | Convenient from your home on Zoom
TIME: 9-12 PM PST | Live on Zoom with Daniel
COST: $ 150
Venmo: Daniel Marty | @Daniel-Marty-2
Paypal: Daniel Marty | daniel@360alive.com
INCL: Detailed PDF-Handout emailed to you
Please get in touch with Daniel directly to make your reservation or if you prefer one-on-one coaching to improve your relationships, career, well-being, or financial situation.
Daniel Marty
HCS Life Coach | Business owner | VRBO Superhost | BA Education
I received a thousand times more than what I expected. I learned so much about myself and how I can create real success, health, and well-being for myself and my family. I recommend Daniel's life coaching, workshops, and training to everyone!
G. Kumar
2022-2024 - HCS Life Coaching (Holistic Cybernetic System Training)
2010-2012 - Dahn Yoga Master Training / 2 year training
2001-2005 - Holistic Body work training / WATSU / 2 year training
1998-2001 - Conflict management/mediation/coaching / 2 year degree / now www.mediationsforum.ch
1998-2001 - Organizational Development & Coaching / 3 year training - www.Trias.ch
1994-2006 - Educator in various Swiss schools
1990-1994 - Bachelor in Education / Lehrerseminar Rickenbach / 4 year degree
1985-1990 - Fine Finish Carpentry / 4 year degree
Lifestyle & Career Choices:
1994-present - Daily whole food, plant based diet
1998-present - Daily 60-90min stillness/meditation practice
2010-present - Daily 20min holistic movement practice
2016-present - Super-host on VRBO / AIRBNB /
2016-present - Self Employed / Owner of Orcas Home Contracting
2018-present - Infinite Body Movement and yoga teacher
2020-present - Monthly coaching sessions / continuous coaching education
2022-present - Bed&Breakfast, retreat and workshop hosts